I found myself homeless/ sofa surfing at of 16. My 16 year old self was very head strong and made a lot of unwise decisions that ultimately lead to the breakdown of my relationships at home. I had been actively engaging in drugs and alcohol from the age of 13, and couldn't see the detrimental effect this was having on my life. I left school with no qualifications and found myself sofa surfing for 6 months, and then I came into contact with the charity Barnabas Safe and Sound, who offer supported living for young people homeless in Northumberland.
I honestly believe this charity saved my life, as when I look back I could have taken a different path to the one I am on now. I think I could have ended up dead or in the prison system.
I moved into supported living with Barnabas and through their care, compassion and guidance, they supported me to look at my life differently. Always believing I was a write off because having no qualifications at 16 was a massive dark cloud above my head, my now older self can look back and see that at 16 is just a beginning, but back then it felt a lot different.
The Barnabas team supported me to get back into education, helped me develop life skills and supported me to repair relationships back at home. I eventually ended up returning home to focus on my education. I now work as a qualified mental health nurse for the NHS, and currently work within young people's services. I'm great believer that early intervention support can make a lasting impact and change someone's life for the better. I'm living proof!
Boho Four,
Cleveland Street,
Charity no. 1154963
By participating in a CEO Sleepout event, you’ll gain insight into the big issues surrounding homelessness and what – as business leader – you have the power to change. We hope you’ll be moved to create a positive social impact in your business, adding value that strengthens communities and society as a whole.
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