We are thrilled to announce Buckle International, the luxury chauffer service, as a sponsor for CEO Sleepout London.
“As one of the founding directors of Buckle, I believe that businesses and people around the country and the world should help homelessness on the street. I believe no one should be on the streets.
I’ve worked in London for 12years as a London chauffeur, I’ve met homeless people over the years, I’ve chatted to many, and all have different stories. I brought them food and drinks, but I wish I could give them a roof.
I didn’t really think much of it, until my son, 5 at the time met one and he was intrigued by this man. We had to buy him food, drinks, he even wanted him to stay in our shed.
Then I saw CEO sleepout and thought this might be where I can help. I think it’s a great platform for the businesses and people to get together and fight this crisis.
I’m proud to support this amazing charity and I hope more CEO’s join the force.”
-Matthew Luckhurst, founder and CEO, Buckle International.